Construidos para el futuro de la automatización
- Diseñados para promover un entorno de trabajo seguro y armonioso entre humanos y máquinas.
- 31 funciones de seguridad, todas con certificación ISO 13849-1, Cat.3, PLd.
- Compatibles con ISO 10218-1.
- Entorno de programación gráfica simple que hace posible una rápida puesta en marcha (sin necesidad de personal especializado)
- El control del robot basado en visión integrada permite realizar operaciones visuales de servo, inspección y medición.
- La cámara opcional y Landmark posibilitan cambios rápidos y muy flexibles.
- La capacidad de integración con robots móviles fomenta su uso en aplicaciones de manipulación logística y atención de máquinas totalmente autónomas.
- Modelos de bus de campo incluidos Ethernet/IP y Profinet.

Meet our collaborative robot
For over 85 years, Omron has helped perfect the art of machines that help humans. Now, we introduce the machines specifically built to work with people - meet the Omron TM Collaborative Robot Series!
Meet our collaborative robot
For over 85 years, Omron has helped perfect the art of machines that help humans. Now, we introduce the machines specifically built to work with people - meet the Omron TM Collaborative Robot Series!El robot colaborativo

Omron TM12 cobot automates booklet feeding for Kraus Maschinenbau
Cobots streamline processes in medtech and packaging industry
Configuración más rápida con visión integrada
Meet our collaborative robot
For over 85 years, Omron has helped perfect the art of machines that help humans. Now, we introduce the machines specifically built to work with people - meet the Omron TM Collaborative Robot Series!
Puesta en marcha y cambio de producción rápidos
Seguridad en aplicaciones colaborativas

Cobot Safety Artículo de experto

Cobots y producción flexible: garantía de futuro para las PYMES?
¿Es probable que los robots destruyan puestos de trabajo o ayudarán a garantizar el futuro de las PYMES? Los robots se utilizaron por primera vez en la producción industrial en los años 60 y, desde entonces, su cantidad ha aumentado de forma inexorable. En la actualidad, cada año se ponen en funcionamiento en todo el mundo entre 500.000 y 600.000 sistemas robóticos nuevos, aunque el aumento es especialmente significativo en el mercado asiático, como se indica en el informe «World Robotics 2019» realizado por la Federación Internacional de Robótica (IFR, por sus siglas en inglés) y el instituto alemán Fraunhofer IPA.

- Alcance (mm): 900
- Carga máxima (kg): 5
- Velocidad máxima (m/s): 1,4

- Alcance (mm): 700
- Carga máxima (kg): 7
- Velocidad máxima (m/s): 1,1

- Alcance (mm): 1300
- Carga máxima (kg): 12
- Velocidad máxima (m/s): 1,3

- Alcance (mm): 1100
- Carga máxima (kg): 14
- Velocidad máxima (m/s): 1,1

TM 5 – 700
- Alcance (mm): 700
- Carga máxima (kg): 6
- Velocidad máxima (m/s): 1,1

TM 5 – 900
- Alcance (mm): 900
- Carga máxima (kg): 4
- Velocidad máxima (m/s): 1,4

- Alcance (mm): 1300
- Carga máxima (kg): 12
- Velocidad máxima (m/s): 1,3

- Alcance (mm): 1100
- Carga máxima (kg): 14
- Velocidad máxima (m/s): 1,1

- Alcance (mm): 900
- Carga máxima (kg): 16
- Velocidad máxima (m/s): 1,1

- Alcance (mm): 1300
- Carga máxima (kg): 20
- Velocidad máxima (m/s): 1,3
Especificaciones y modelos disponibles
Producto | Hardware version | Payload | Reach | PROFINET communication | EtherNet/IP communication | Vision | Power supply type | SEMI S2 certified | Food grade grease | SIL according to IEC 61508 | Performance level according to EN ISO 13849-1 | Cable length | Descripción | |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5-700, cable de 12 m, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2, Profinet |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, cable de 12 m, HW3.2, Profinet |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2, grasa de grado alimentario |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Paquete, COBOT, TM5-700, HW3.2, PROFINET y Ethernet/IP, Grasa de grado alimentario |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5-900, cable de 12 m, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2, Profinet |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, cable de 12 m, HW3.2, Profinet |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2, grasa de grado alimentario |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Paquete, COBOT, TM5-900, HW3.2, PROFINET y Ethernet/IP, Grasa de grado alimentario |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5X-700 (modelo sin cámara), HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5X-700 (modelo sin cámara), cable de 12 m, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (modelo sin cámara), HW3.2, Profinet |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (modelo sin cámara), cable de 12 m, HW3.2, Profinet |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5X-700 (modelo sin cámara), HW3.2, grasa de grado alimentario |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | No | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Paquete, COBOT, TM5X-700 (modelo sin cámara), HW3.2, PROFINET y Ethernet/IP, grasa de grado alimentario |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5X-900 (modelo sin cámara), HW3.2 |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Paquete, Cobot, TM5X-900 (modelo sin cámara), cable de 12 m, HW3.2 |
Ofrecemos combinaciones casi infinitas para adaptarse a cualquier tipo de producción.
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DownloadCasos de clientes

Los cobots ofrecen a los fabricantes de engranajes una ventaja competitiva
El fabricante de engranajes danés Fischer Gears ha reforzado su proceso de producción, en especial en las series más grandes, con la incorporación de dos robots TM de Omron. Los robots colaborativos, también conocidos como cobots, permiten que los empleados más experimentados se centren en tareas de mayor valor.

Mejoras en la seguridad en Leica Geosystems, gracias a una innovadora aplicación para cobots
Los robots colaborativos automatizan la manipulación de bandejas, y mejoran la seguridad y ergonomía en zonas de trabajo peligrosas.

Los robots colaborativos mejoran la productividad de CLECA
Automatización del proceso de paletización gracias a los cobots OMRON TM12

La solución de paletización de REITEC satisface las necesidades de los clientes del sector de la producción de bienes de consumo
OMRON y REITEC unen sus fuerzas para crear la nueva solución de cobot paletizador RC-1

Cobot paletizador ágil de Reeco Automation
Ocupa un 60 % menos de espacio y cuesta un 50 % menos que los robots paletizadores convencionales

Trazabilidad 4.0: etiquetado de paquetes optimizado con cobots
Los robots colaborativos llevan a cabo un etiquetado inteligente en productos de diferentes formatos, lo que reduce el tiempo de inactividad debido a los cambios de formato hasta en un 70 %. Todo en una solución desarrollada por Bluengineering para Gruppo Romani en Italia.

Cisel garantiza la trazabilidad, seguridad y calidad mediante pruebas de las placas de circuito impreso con un cobot
Cisel es una empresa italiana especializada en el diseño y la fabricación de placas de circuitos impresos (PCB) flexibles para los sectores de automoción, ingeniería civil y fabricación. Recientemente, la empresa eligió un robot colaborativo (cobot) TM5 de OMRON para automatizar las pruebas eléctricas de las placas utilizadas en el sistema de dirección asistida de un fabricante líder del sector de automoción.

Un cobot garantiza el montaje preciso de imanes para los tapones de drenaje de LITMAT
Los robots colaborativos (cobots) se utilizan cada vez más en diferentes sectores y en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones, ya que pueden marcar una diferencia significativa en la eficiencia y productividad del ciclo de producción. Una de las empresas que está disfrutando de estos beneficios es LITMAT SpA.

Unika lleva la calidad al siguiente nivel con la ayuda de los cobots
Los cobots TM de OMRON, con sistema de visión integrado, eliminan los errores humanos y aumentan la eficiencia de la producción

Solución de manipulador móvil de Omron
La solución híbrida de robot móvil y cobot exclusiva de OMRON

Solución de paletización con cobot
Software basado en PLC OMRON Sysmac "FB"

Omron Collaborative can draw!
Omron Collaborative Robot can be used for a variety of purposes and numerous applications especially machine tending, loading and unloading, assembling, gluing, testing, and soldering! On this video you can see just one of them, drawing Omron’s logo with a pen on the blackboard! Just amazing Omron Collaborative Robots can do.
Omron Collaborative can draw!
Omron Collaborative Robot can be used for a variety of purposes and numerous applications especially machine tending, loading and unloading, assembling, gluing, testing, and soldering! On this video you can see just one of them, drawing Omron’s logo with a pen on the blackboard! Just amazing Omron Collaborative Robots can do.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 1 - Unboxing and Initial Set Up
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show you how to unbox the Cobot and do the initial set up. There are several Cobot in the TM Series depending on your needs. Here we will be using the TM5 – 700 models to explain the common features.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 1 - Unboxing and Initial Set Up
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show you how to unbox the Cobot and do the initial set up. There are several Cobot in the TM Series depending on your needs. Here we will be using the TM5 – 700 models to explain the common features.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 2 – Programming the Basic Motions
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we would like to show you the basics of how to make the Cobot move.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 2 – Programming the Basic Motions
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we would like to show you the basics of how to make the Cobot move.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 3 – How to Program Using Flow Chart Software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, you can learn how to use the software, called “TMflow,” to program the Cobots. TMflow has an intuitive user interface that allows you to easily create a program using flowcharts.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 3 – How to Program Using Flow Chart Software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, you can learn how to use the software, called “TMflow,” to program the Cobots. TMflow has an intuitive user interface that allows you to easily create a program using flowcharts.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 4 – How to Attach a Gripper to the Cobot
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to use grippers with your Cobot.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 4 – How to Attach a Gripper to the Cobot
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to use grippers with your Cobot.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 5 – Vision Calibration and Vision Node
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to start using the built-in camera and the integrated vision system for your applications. One of the biggest advantages of this Cobot is that you can rapidly create an application in which you want the Cobot to see and recognize the object that it is working on. You do not need additional lens nor lights.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 5 – Vision Calibration and Vision Node
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to start using the built-in camera and the integrated vision system for your applications. One of the biggest advantages of this Cobot is that you can rapidly create an application in which you want the Cobot to see and recognize the object that it is working on. You do not need additional lens nor lights.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 6 – Pick and Place Using Vision
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we finished the vision calibration and explored some of the vision tasks. So now we are ready to start creating an application that utilizes the camera and the vision system. We will pick up a cylinder from this hole and place it here.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 6 – Pick and Place Using Vision
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we finished the vision calibration and explored some of the vision tasks. So now we are ready to start creating an application that utilizes the camera and the vision system. We will pick up a cylinder from this hole and place it here.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 7 – Updating TMFlow software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show how to update the TMFlow software. We constantly have software updates, so make sure you update Collaborative Robots software so that you can utilize the newest features.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 7 – Updating TMFlow software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show how to update the TMFlow software. We constantly have software updates, so make sure you update Collaborative Robots software so that you can utilize the newest features.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 8 – Communication via ModBus
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. The Omron Collaborative Robots is capable of different types of communications. On this video we will focus on using ModBus TCP communication in TMFlow software.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 8 – Communication via ModBus
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. The Omron Collaborative Robots is capable of different types of communications. On this video we will focus on using ModBus TCP communication in TMFlow software.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 9 – Advanced Motion Methods
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will discuss the different types of advanced motions that Omron’s Collaborative Robots can achieve. We will focus on some of the different types of motions that our Cobots can use to fit in your applications.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 9 – Advanced Motion Methods
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will discuss the different types of advanced motions that Omron’s Collaborative Robots can achieve. We will focus on some of the different types of motions that our Cobots can use to fit in your applications.
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 1
Watch this safety video to learn about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Safety Standards & Safety Functions, Emergency Stop & Protective Stop and Safety Output Functions will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 1
Watch this safety video to learn about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Safety Standards & Safety Functions, Emergency Stop & Protective Stop and Safety Output Functions will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 2
Watch this second part safety video to learn even more about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Intuitive Safety Parameter Setting, Cartesian Safety Limit and Omron Risk Assessment Service will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 2
Watch this second part safety video to learn even more about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Intuitive Safety Parameter Setting, Cartesian Safety Limit and Omron Risk Assessment Service will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.Descargas
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