Sistema de visión FH
Mayor velocidad de funcionamiento, cámaras para cada aplicación
Esta gama incluye las ventajas de una cámara inteligente y un potente sistema de visión en una única plataforma. La incomparable claridad de imagen que aporta una cámara inteligente permite una configuración sencilla, una instalación rápida y un rendimiento óptico mejorado.
- Los componentes de alto rendimiento ofrecen unas prestaciones excepcionales para satisfacer los requisitos más exigentes
- Los algoritmos y las herramientas de visión inteligentes hacen que todas las aplicaciones sean robustas y fiables a cualquier velocidad
- La gama de cámaras actual le permite elegir el hardware más adecuado para cada aplicación; el mejor rendimiento al mejor precio
- La IA reproduce la sensibilidad y la experiencia humanas
- Fácil integración con software para una automatización flexible
- Procesamiento en color real (16 millones de colores)*
- Comunicación mediante EtherNet/IP y TCP/IP*
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DownloadPresupuesto para Sistema de visión FH
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Gama completa de cámaras de alta velocidad y alta resolución
Las cámaras FH están diseñadas para su uso en todo tipo de aplicaciones de reconocimiento de objetos, posicionamiento u orientación, lectura de códigos y medición; además, este tipo de cámara compacta y sistema de control se integra fácilmente en cualquier máquina o robot. El sistema está especialmente capacitado para proporcionar un rendimiento más rápido y preciso, con el fin de ofrecer más eficacia, menos costes y mucho más.
Detección ampliada con SWIR y cámaras polarizadas
OMRON ha mejorado significativamente sus capacidades de detección de imágenes al ampliar su gama de cámaras. Ahora ofrecemos dos resoluciones de cámara SWIR y dos cámaras de resolución polarizadas. Estas incorporaciones mejoran considerablemente el rango de detección y la versatilidad de la gama FH.
Imágenes estereométricas avanzadas
La luz estéreo fotométrica FH se puede utilizar con cámaras estándar o de alta resolución de hasta 20,4 Mpix. para detectar abolladuras y daños en la superficie con alta precisión. Se encienden cuatro luces por turnos y se analizan las variaciones de brillo. Los caracteres impresos con poca variación en el brillo, incluso en diferentes direcciones de iluminación, se extraen como textura, y una abolladura con una gran variación en el brillo se extrae como forma.
Imagen HDR
El formato HDR ayuda a crear imágenes optimizadas en condiciones ambientales variables. Una vez que haya especificado el área óptima para capturar en la imagen, la serie FH ajusta automáticamente la velocidad de obturación mientras captura imágenes y las combina.
Herramientas integrales de visión basadas en reglas
Las herramientas de visión basadas en reglas FH de OMRON marcan el camino en la automatización industrial moderna y ofrecen soluciones de vanguardia para tareas de control de calidad, inspección y optimización de procesos. Mediante algoritmos avanzados y tecnología de adquisición de imágenes de alta precisión, estas herramientas ejecutan tareas complejas con una precisión y fiabilidad excepcionales. Diseñadas para facilitar el uso, las herramientas de visión de OMRON garantizan una integración perfecta con los sistemas existentes y requieren un tiempo de configuración mínimo.
FH abierto
Además de los algoritmos de visión patentados de OMRON, el controlador de visión FH es compatible con los algoritmos de visión desarrollados con el software Halcon HDevelop de MVTec. Esta flexibilidad permite a los fabricantes seleccionar la mejor opción algorítmica para los requisitos específicos de su aplicación, lo que garantiza un rendimiento y una eficiencia óptimos en sus soluciones de visión.
IA flexible de vanguardia
Libere todo el potencial de la automatización basada en la IA con el controlador de visión FH, basada en una cuidada selección de tecnología de CPU Intel y mejorada con el kit de herramientas OpenVINO. Esta potente sinergia le permite implementar sofisticados modelos de AI directamente en el controlador de visión FH, lo que proporciona un excepcional procesamiento y análisis de imágenes en tiempo real. El kit de herramientas OpenVINO optimiza el rendimiento y ofrece una ejecución perfecta de la inferencia de aprendizaje profundo con una latencia mínima. De este modo, la toma de decisiones es más rápida y precisa, se mejora la eficiencia operativa y el control de calidad tiene una calidad superior. Mejore sus procesos de automatización con el controlador FH Vision de OMRON y combine la IA de vanguardia con las capacidades informáticas avanzadas de Intel mediante el kit de herramientas OpenVINO.

Detección de defectos de IA
El controlador FH, que utiliza algoritmos avanzados de aprendizaje automático, permite a los fabricantes lograr una precisión y eficiencia sin precedentes en la identificación y clasificación de defectos en diversos procesos de producción. Es compatible con la inspección de defectos con tecnología de IA, incluidas tareas de detección, clasificación y segmentación de anomalías.
Reconocimiento preciso de IA
El reconocimiento preciso de IA identifica una característica que no está incluida en los productos correctos como un defecto. La IA aprende imágenes de productos correctos con sus variaciones y genera un modelo de IA. Cada vez que se realiza una inspección, la IA reconstruye un modelo que supone que es un producto correcto. La IA extrae entonces una diferencia entre la imagen reconstruida del producto correcto y una imagen capturada para identificar un defecto, lo que reduce la incidencia de la sobredetección.
Defecto de arañazos de IA
Las funciones más recientes del sistema de visión FH incluyen un filtro de imágenes basado en IA que reproduce la técnica que utilizan los inspectores cualificados para identificar un defecto en cualquier fondo del producto. Los arañazos y las imperfecciones que antes eran difíciles de capturar ahora se pueden identificar incluso sin el uso de muestras o ajustes.
Sistema de visión preparado conforme a la norma 21 CFR parte 11 y GMP
El sistema de visión FH se puede actualizar para que sea compatible con la norma 21 CFR parte 11 y GMP, lo que permite a los fabricantes de dispositivos médicos, farmacéuticos y científicos instalar sistemas de visión en sus líneas de producción para cumplir con estas normativas.
Características del software
- Informe de seguimiento de auditoría
- Visor de seguimiento de auditoría
- Seguridad de contraseña mejorada
- Archivos cifrados
- Control de acceso de usuarios
- Preparación de inicio de sesión único
- Integración HMI
Decodificación de marca de agua digital Digimarc
Decodificación incomparable en envases cilíndricos y flexibles
Inspección del aspecto de las pilas recargables
Inspección de cordones de pegamento
Lectura fiable de caracteres de difícil lectura
Lens Selector

Vision System FH series
The FH-series Vision System provides higher speed and precision for Machine cycle time and is loaded with all of the performance required to move Machines quickly and at high precision into a compact Controller for embedding into Machine. And even though the Camera/communications interfaces, image processing algorithms, and other features of this complete image processing system are built into one housing, the flexibility of a PC-based image processing system is also provided to help increase eciency in the frequent reuse of Machine designs and in design changes.
Vision System FH series
The FH-series Vision System provides higher speed and precision for Machine cycle time and is loaded with all of the performance required to move Machines quickly and at high precision into a compact Controller for embedding into Machine. And even though the Camera/communications interfaces, image processing algorithms, and other features of this complete image processing system are built into one housing, the flexibility of a PC-based image processing system is also provided to help increase eciency in the frequent reuse of Machine designs and in design changes.
Omron's FH vision system helps improve efficiency and quality in production lines
Automated sensory inspection has been a challenge for automation for years Automation inspections are introduced to find scratches and dents on products, but these may overlook unexpected defects or recognize light stains as defects and over detect defective products. Over detection leads to secondary human inspections as well as overlooked products escape to post-processes decreasing yields. The introduction to automated sensory inspections takes time, resources, and expertise. Omron solves these issues through its vision sensors using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The FH Vision System Series reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. The FH Vision System Series has an inspection algorithm using AI or AI Fine Matching installed. AI Fine Matching detects only the features not found on good products as defects. Training with images of various good products builds an AI model that helps automate inspection processes. The more the various good images you provide, the better the inspection accuracy. In this way, the AI model learns about variation in the shape and color of good products. An AI model misses no tiny scratch or dent. The AI Fine Matching enables streamlining the inspection flow and reduces the number of inspections preventing overdetection and wasteful secondary inspections. AI Fine Matching improves yields by preventing the overlook of defective products that escape to post-processes. Learn more about FH Vision System Series:
Omron's FH vision system helps improve efficiency and quality in production lines
Automated sensory inspection has been a challenge for automation for years Automation inspections are introduced to find scratches and dents on products, but these may overlook unexpected defects or recognize light stains as defects and over detect defective products. Over detection leads to secondary human inspections as well as overlooked products escape to post-processes decreasing yields. The introduction to automated sensory inspections takes time, resources, and expertise. Omron solves these issues through its vision sensors using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The FH Vision System Series reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. The FH Vision System Series has an inspection algorithm using AI or AI Fine Matching installed. AI Fine Matching detects only the features not found on good products as defects. Training with images of various good products builds an AI model that helps automate inspection processes. The more the various good images you provide, the better the inspection accuracy. In this way, the AI model learns about variation in the shape and color of good products. An AI model misses no tiny scratch or dent. The AI Fine Matching enables streamlining the inspection flow and reduces the number of inspections preventing overdetection and wasteful secondary inspections. AI Fine Matching improves yields by preventing the overlook of defective products that escape to post-processes. Learn more about FH Vision System Series:
Cap Inspection | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. An automated inspection system may over detect by flagging good products as defective under strict criteria to prevent defective products from being marketed. The implementation of automated inspection requires adjustment for different bottles and caps. Because the transfer of setup and adjustment knowledge to other inspection lines hinders the adoption of automated inspection, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
Cap Inspection | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. An automated inspection system may over detect by flagging good products as defective under strict criteria to prevent defective products from being marketed. The implementation of automated inspection requires adjustment for different bottles and caps. Because the transfer of setup and adjustment knowledge to other inspection lines hinders the adoption of automated inspection, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
AI Fine Matching | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. Do you have any concern about missing defects or overdetecting them in your visual inspection process? An automated inspection system designed to find scratches and dents on products may overlook other types of defects that are unexpected. Because the implementation of automated inspection can be time-consuming and typically requires specialized knowledge, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. By training upon images of various good products, the system builds an AI model. The FH-series suggests training images and assists with the construction of a workable AI model in the shortest period of time. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
AI Fine Matching | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. Do you have any concern about missing defects or overdetecting them in your visual inspection process? An automated inspection system designed to find scratches and dents on products may overlook other types of defects that are unexpected. Because the implementation of automated inspection can be time-consuming and typically requires specialized knowledge, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. By training upon images of various good products, the system builds an AI model. The FH-series suggests training images and assists with the construction of a workable AI model in the shortest period of time. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:Especificaciones y modelos disponibles
Producto | Performance | Processor family | Operating system | Memory | AI Scratch detection filter | AI FineMatching | Number of cameras | Integrated monitor | Communication port(s) | Output type | Application | Descripción | |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | No | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | Controlador de velocidad media y rendimiento FH de 2 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 2 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC de 2019 64 bits |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (ECC) | No | No | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | Controlador de velocidad media y rendimiento FH de 2 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 4 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC de 2019 64 bits |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | No | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | Controlador de velocidad media y rendimiento FH de 2 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 8 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC de 2019 64 bits |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | Yes | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next Generation de velocidad y rendimiento medio, controlador de 2 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 2 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC de 2019 64 bits |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | Yes | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next Generation de velocidad y rendimiento medio, controlador de 2 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 4 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC de 2019 64 bits |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | Yes | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next Generation de velocidad y rendimiento medio, controlador de 2 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 8 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC de 2019 64 bits |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, 3D Bin picking, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | Controlador FH de alta velocidad/alto rendimiento de 4 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 2 cámaras |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | Controlador FH de alta velocidad/alto rendimiento de 4 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 4 cámaras |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | Controlador FH de alta velocidad/alto rendimiento de 4 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 8 cámaras |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation de alta velocidad / alto rendimiento, controlador de 8 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 2 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC de 2019 64 bits |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation de alta velocidad / alto rendimiento, controlador de 8 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 4 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC de 2019 64 bits |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation de alta velocidad / alto rendimiento, controlador de 8 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 8 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC de 2019 64 bits |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, 3D Bin picking, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH de alta velocidad / alto rendimiento / almacenamiento extendido, controlador de 4 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 2 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH de alta velocidad / alto rendimiento / almacenamiento extendido, controlador de 4 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 4 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH de alta velocidad / alto rendimiento / almacenamiento extendido, controlador de 4 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 8 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next Generation de alta velocidad / alto rendimiento / almacenamiento ampliado, controlador de 8 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 2 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next Generation de alta velocidad / alto rendimiento / almacenamiento ampliado, controlador de 8 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 4 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next Generation de alta velocidad / alto rendimiento / almacenamiento ampliado, controlador de 8 núcleos, NPN/PNP, 8 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Lite | Intel® Atom™ | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | No | 2 | No | EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | Controlador FH-LITE, grado estándar, tipo de caja, 2 cámaras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Lite | Intel® Atom™ | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | No | 4 | No | EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV | Controlador FH-Lite, grado estándar, tipo de caja, 4 cámaras, , W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |

Sistema de Visión FH industrial con detección de defectos mediante Inteligencia Artificial
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