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Conozca nuestros robots colaborativos

Aumente la productividad y la calidad de las líneas de producción

Los cobots TM de OMRON están diseñados para fabricantes que quieran afrontar el futuro y aumentar la producción. Los cobots son los compañeros de trabajo ideales, ya que automatizan tareas repetitivas como el machine tending, la carga y descarga o las tareas de ensamblado.

  • Los cobots son fáciles de configurar y ofrecen una solución rápida y rentable. 
  • Permiten aumentar la flexibilidad, la calidad y la velocidad de producción.
  • Y ayudan a su empresa a responder rápidamente a las condiciones cambiantes del mercado.

cobot shoulder to shoulder landing page side prod

Diseñados para una fabricación flexible

Hemos diseñado nuestros robots colaborativos de manera que se puedan implementar fácilmente en diferentes tareas y aplicaciones. De este modo, su producción será tan flexible como sea necesario y su personal podrá dedicarse a las tareas para las que realmente están más preparados.

La vida útil de los productos es cada vez más corta, por lo que las soluciones de producción y automatización pueden satisfacer sus necesidades y adaptar los procesos de producción rápidamente. 

Los cobots pueden ayudar a las pymes a prepararse para el futuro en aquellos aspectos en que lo necesiten, tanto en aplicaciones sencillas de Pick&Place para la manipulación, clasificación y paletización de piezas como en el montaje de máquinas. 
Esto supone importantes ventajas para los empleados, que ya no tendrán que realizar trabajos monótonos, exigentes físicamente e incluso peligrosos. Nuestros cobots les asistirán en los trabajos que requieran levantar peso o una gran precisión, para que puedan centrarse en las tareas realmente importantes. 

Trabajar en armonía

Nuestros cobots aprenden rápido y pueden hacer que su producción sea más eficiente. En tan solo unos minutos, puede enseñarles a compartir tareas con los humanos y a adaptarse de forma flexible a los nuevos requisitos. Aproveche las ventajas de las funciones de seguridad integradas que les permiten trabajar junto con personas o cerca de ellas y aumentar la productividad en una amplia variedad de tareas repetitivas.
Vea el vídeo
  • Cobot application at Omron factory in Shanghai

    Cobot application at Omron factory in Shanghai

    Omron's factory in Shanghai is creating an environment where people and robots work together, to meet challenges in manufacturing today, such as shortage in manpower and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). In this video, you can see how Omron TM collaborative robots work safely side-by-side with people.


Elección entre Cobot y Robot Industrial

Los robots colaborativos TM de OMRON cambian el funcionamiento tradicional de las fábricas, puesto que ya no se necesitan barreras físicas. Los cobots TM de OMRON pueden trabajar en armonía con los operarios y están diseñados para aplicaciones de producción de lotes reducidos y muy variados a una velocidad comparable a la de las personas.

Robot industrial tradicional

Los robots industriales tradicionales deben separarse de los operarios mediante barreras y/o cercados de seguridad, y deben fijarse en un lugar, ya que normalmente se utilizan para una tarea específica.

  • Configuración compleja
  • Se requieren expertos en robótica
  • Soluciones inflexibles
  • Footprint grande
  • Se requieren barreras de protección
  • Costes adicionales altos

Robot colaborativo

Los cobots se han diseñado para trabajar de forma segura y en armonía con los operarios. Se pueden mover de una ubicación a otra para que trabajen en diferentes tareas.

  • Configuración rápida
  • No se requieren expertos
  • Flexible y fácil de asignar a otra tarea
  • Ahorro de espacio/footprint reducido
  • Colaboración entre operarios y máquinas
  • Retorno de la inversión rápido

Conozca a nuestros cobots

La gama de robots colaborativos de OMRON incluye una gran variedad de modelos para garantizar el alcance y la carga útil adecuados para diferentes aplicaciones.
  • Alcance
  • Carga útil
  • Velocidad máx.
robot arm tm5 tm5a 700 190x232 prod

TM 5 - 700

  • Alcance 700 mm
  • Carga útil 6 kg
  • Velocidad máx. 1,1 m/s
robot arm tm5 tm5a 900 190x232 prod

TM 5 - 900

  • Alcance 900 mm
  • Carga útil 4 kg
  • Velocidad máx. 1,4 m/s
robot arm tm12 tm12x 190x232 prod

TM 12

  • Alcance 1300 mm
  • Carga útil 12 kg
  • Velocidad máx. 1,3 m/s
robot arm tm14 tm14x 190x232 prod

TM 14

  • Alcance 1100 mm
  • Carga útil 14 kg
  • Velocidad máx. 1,1 m/s

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Conozca nuestros robots colaborativos

Los cobots TM de OMRON están diseñados para fabricantes que quieran afrontar el futuro y aumentar la producción. Los cobots son los compañeros de trabajo ideales, ya que automatizan tareas repetitivas como el machine tending, la carga y descarga o las tareas de ensamblado.

cobot shoulder to shoulder landing page side prod

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El robot colaborativo TM de OMRON está diseñado para adaptarse a casi cualquier sector, ya sea automoción, alimentación y bebidas, packaging, plásticos, máquinas herramienta o farmacéutico.

Cobots give gear manufacturer Fischer Gears a competitive production edge

Machine Tending

El machine tending es una de las principales aplicaciones de los cobots. Nuestros cobots se pueden configurar para trabajar con varias máquinas en unas pocas horas, lo que libera a los empleados de trabajos repetitivos y peligrosos.
Meet the RB1200 Cobot Palletiser
  • Meet the RB1200 Cobot Palletiser

    Meet the RB1200 Cobot Palletiser

    OMRON and Reeco Automation have partnered to bring you the RB1200 palletiser. A safe, flexible and versatile solution to the EOL palletising process, designed to improve production efficiency, provide enhanced flexibility and save costs. Read more:



Los cobots TM de OMRON pueden llevar a cabo la paletización, lo que permite a los clientes automatizar el embalaje de los envíos y de los productos.
Precise and consistent assembly of magnets and coatings with a cobot for the automotive market
  • Precise and consistent assembly of magnets and coatings with a cobot for the automotive market

    Precise and consistent assembly of magnets and coatings with a cobot for the automotive market

    LITMAT, a company with over 70 years of experience in supplying components for the automotive industry, has recently introduced the OMRON TM5 cobot within its magnet assembly plant on metal oil drain plugs. The goal of the solution is to simplify the process of assembling the magnets that are necessary to attract any impurities in oil. The cobot takes care of the complete process, from applying the glue, inserting the magnets in the plugs and the verification of the amount of glue applied with the integrated camera. All data is managed centrally by an OMRON NX102 PLC, which can be connected to the MES for integrated supervision of the entire production cycle in real time. At the terminal (OMRON NB Series 7'') the operator can see the information related to processed pieces, types, rejected pieces, causes of stoppage as well as timing, and modify all the parameters relating to the formats if necessary, such as ​​height of the cap, magnet and magnetization. All these variables are supplied to the cobot, which then proceeds with the machining according to the quotas assigned for each different piece to be assembled, without expensive tooling operations. Like all OMRON cobots, even the OMRON TM5 installed in LITMAT can operate in the presence of personnel. Two barriers equipped with a safety module are connected to the PLC and allow the OMRON TM5 to enter collaborative mode. In this way, the employees in charge of sorting the magnets in boxes can work without any risk close to the automated area. Overall, the solution enables LITMAT to assemble approximately 180 caps per hour for a total of 1500 pieces in each 8-hour shift. All with unparalleled consistency: the cobot always exerts the same pressure on the plug, ensuring repeatability and consistent quality. About LITMAT S.p.A. LITMAT S.p.A. is specialized in the manufacturing of metal threaded plugs that are supplied mainly to the automotive industry (oil drain plugs) and to manufacturers of hydraulic, pneumatic, hydronic and mechanical equipment. They are the largest Italian manufacturer in this field, making a full line of plugs, in different materials (steel, brass, aluminium), according to various national standards (DIN, SAE, UNI, etc…), with any thread (metric, english or other), cylindrical and taper. LITMAT also manufactures many different types of magnetic plugs and we can make almost any plug according to the client’s specifications or drawing. LITMAT S.p.A. is particularly competitive in the international market in the production of cold formed steel plugs according to DIN 906, 908, 909 and 910 and special plugs according to customers’ drawings. Since 1950 LITMAT S.p.A. has been O.E. supplier of the most important automobile and truck manufacturers in Italy for all drain and fill plugs in the oil pan, gear box and differential. Many of the most important manufacturers of mechanical components (axles, gear boxes, pumps, etc…) for the automotive and industrial vehicle sectors and many important fastener dealers in Europe are in the list of their clients. About OMRON Electronics S.p.A. OMRON Corporation is one of the world leaders in automation and its work is based on the core technology "Sensing & Control + Think". Established in 1933, OMRON has approximately 30,000 employees worldwide and offers products and services in approximately 120 countries and regions. OMRON operates in various sectors, including industrial automation, electronic components, systems for social infrastructures and solutions for healthcare and the environment. In the industrial automation sector, OMRON supports innovation in the manufacturing sector by proposing advanced automation products and technologies, as well as through widespread customer assistance, with the aim of contributing to the improvement of society. A complete range of machine automation, 200,000 input, logic, output, robot and safety devices make OMRON one of the 2,000 largest companies in the world according to Forbes, listed on NASDAQ and a top spot in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and for the fifth consecutive time among the "Top 100 Global Innovators" of the world selected by Clarivate Analytics. Integrated Automation: Achieve seamless integration of technology through advanced control Intelligent Automation: Transforming factory data into valuable information Interactive Automation: Create a harmonious interaction between humans and machines



Nuestros cobots pueden mejorar el rendimiento y garantizar la calidad de las tareas de ensamblaje repetitivas o complejas, además de trabajar junto a las personas.
Traceability 4.0 with the OMRON TM cobot
  • Traceability 4.0 with the OMRON TM cobot

    Traceability 4.0 with the OMRON TM cobot

    This demonstration at the Gruppo Romani plant shows how a cobot to carry out intelligent labeling on any product format. The application, created by Bluengineering, a company specialized in process control in the ceramic industry, uses the OMRON TM5 Cobot with an outreach of 700 mm, taught in a few minutes by manually defining the gripping, passage and deposit points. The objective: application of labels on one of the four front sides of the outgoing package, quickly managing format changes quickly, without complex tooling operations. The cobot carries out most of the repetitive operations, while workerscan now focus on activities with greater added value. The collaborative nature allows the cobot to work safely in the presence of personnel. Specifically, this is made possible thanks to the integrated monitoring features that dynamically constrain the force and pressure to be exerted in the vicinity of the operator. The cobot can be programmed to stop or evaluate all possible interactions in which to limit its action so that accidental contact with humans does not become dangerous. The integrated vision system on the robot allows reading of the codes (bar code or QR), the control of the correct positioning, as well as the tracking and verification of the packages. All data is sent and managed centrally by an OMRON NX102 PLC connected to the MES for integrated supervision of the entire production cycle in real time. At the terminal, the operator can see the status of production, the batches in transit, the number, speed and method of labels to be printed and applied. Thanks to the cobot, companies can take advantage of a more versatile, more continuous and more efficient solution for labeling operations. Especially when beyond speed, they have to deal with the various different product formats: the reduction of downtime due to format change can reach up to 70% compared to a traditional mechanical axis system. All in maximum safety. Bluengineering s.r.l. Bluengineering srl is an engineering company operating in ​​process control in various production sectors: ceramic, packaging, food, chemical and mechanical, with particular attention to automation dedicated to the production of porcelain stoneware ceramic tiles. The company is strongly oriented towards technological innovation, and strives for the continuous improvement of production processes, using the most modern equipment available on the world market. Bluengineering also stands out for its fast, efficient and precise after-sales service. Among the most important activities developed by Bluengineering Tecnologie: Upgrade and regeneration of obsolete automatic systems Programming of PLCs and industrial PCs - Electrical systems for industrial automation - Electrical panels for industrial automation and process control - Dry coloring of atomised products - Systems for coloring the slips - Weighing belts for atomised powders, granulated products and raw materials. Romani Group S.p.A. Ceramic Industries The Romani Group, founded in 1968, is an expression of the most authentic Made in Italy entrepreneurship. Born in the name of passion, competence and technological research, today it is recognized and appreciated all over the world for the unique style of the ceramic solutions proposed and fully represents the dedication to product quality with a view to continuous evolution. The Romani Group, through its Serenissima, CIR Ceramiche, Cercom and Cerasarda brands, tells an industrial story with a high craftsmanship value, integrated with technical and production innovation projected into the future. The ability to interpret and anticipate the aesthetic trends of the market, supported by cutting-edge plant design, is the basis of the extraordinary offer of the Romani Group. The quality of the product and services, customer satisfaction, respect for the environment and the territory are mandatory commitments for the Romani Group, fundamental cornerstones of the business philosophy supported by the Romani family and pursued daily by every single component of the company. Omron Electronics S.p.A. OMRON Corporation is one of the world leaders in automation and its work is based on the core technology "Sensing & Control + Think". Established in 1933, OMRON has approximately 30,000 employees worldwide and offers products and services in approximately 120 countries and regions. OMRON operates in various sectors, including industrial automation, electronic components, systems for social infrastructures and solutions for healthcare and the environment. In the industrial automation sector, OMRON supports innovation in the manufacturing sector by proposing advanced automation products and technologies, as well as through widespread customer assistance, with the aim of contributing to the improvement of society.



Nuestros cobots pueden inspeccionar y clasificar los productos antes de colocarlos en cajas. Los clientes pueden adaptar rápidamente las líneas de producción a nuevos productos o modelos estacionales.